Conference Branding and Booklet Design
Check out this conceptual conference design project from Edmonton, Alberta! This colourful, illustrated brand was adapted into a full conference package of promotional material, including a printed conference booklet design, promotional posters, and colourful name tags.

Branding a conference
A conference about magic needs an illustration style and corresponding print collateral to match
About the project
This fictional conference is titled Abracadabra!, dreamed up as an event aimed for magicians and magic lovers alike. Inspired by the ideas of drama and performance, but also a departure from traditional, serious black-suit-and-tie magic, this is a project that features a colourful and whimsical brand that is applied over a full conference package of promotional material, including a printed booklet design, promotional posters, and colourful name tags.
I loved this project because I was able to push my digital illustration skills, especially for a subject I am not familiar with. This project demonstrates my ability to create a dynamic, illustrative brand and effectively apply it across different media for presentation and marketing purposes.
double sided name tags for attendees featuring the horizontal logo and colourful illustrations on the reverse
a double sided promotional poster featuring the block logo
the cover of the conference booklet—I was so excited to reference the black outline of the illustration style with the black coil!
the booklet open to one of the schedule spreads… a little bit of table design is always nice.
the booklet open to the speakers spreads- added a bit of personality to the frame of the photo
I like the opportunity to add a bit of breathing room always, especially in the form of double page spreads if there is space for it. It’s a nice break for the eyes, changes up the pacing, and is also great to tie back to the original theme. Pictured here is the corner of the final spread, which I felt was a wonderful quote to end on!
Project Tags
Branding, print collateral design, illustration